Silvia G. Gerges
May 23, 20243 min read
Am I an Employee or an Independent Contractor? A Quick Look at New Jersey's Worker Classifications
In New Jersey, the default rule is if you are performing work for an organization or individual, you are their employee.

Silvia G. Gerges
Feb 9, 20243 min read
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have to Pay a Lawyer in an Employment Case
Employment law is a unique area of law that requires an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to handle the case in order for an employee t

Silvia G. Gerges
Jan 5, 20243 min read
Why Your Termination May Be Wrongful But Not Illegal: Unraveling Myths
Of course, an employer will almost never come out and say that they are firing you for a discriminatory reason or for your whistleblowing.